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Video tutorial on how to set up TOSIBOX:
In this guide you will learn how to connect TOSIBOX to the Internet, activate it and configure its settings.
3 easy steps to set up TOSIBOX
Step 1
1. Pairing the VPN Router and Key
1.1 Turn on Tosibox and wait until it is online - it will sound an audible alert.
1.2 Plug the dongle into the router's USB port. Once the lights on the front of the router stop flashing (about 10 seconds), the router and key are paired.
1.3 You can now disconnect the key from the lock.
Step 2
2. Place the VPN Router on a remote local network
2.1 Plug the Ethernet cable connected to the Internet into the WAN port on the router.
Step 3
3. Connect to Tosibox from your computer
3.1 Připojte Klíč do vašeho počítače
3.2 Dojde k instalaci programu Tosibox Key, ve kterém se následně zobrazí všechny spárováné VPN routery a vy se tak můžete vzdáleně připojit do sítě routeru.
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